Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015


Was man in den Herbstferien machen kann

  1. in Hallenbädern schwimmen gehen
  2. Ins Kino gehen
  3. Bunte Blätter sammeln, dann pressen und dann eine Collage daraus erstellen
  4. Drachen basteln und steigen lassen
  5. Kastanien sammeln
  6. Kürbisse aushöhlen
  7. Wandern gehen
  8. Mit der Familie etwas backen und/oder kochen
  9. Man kann in eine Skihalle gehen
  10. In eine Kletterhalle gehen
  11. Ins Museum oder Theater gehen


Nutella - Brownies mit nur 3 Zutaten

Ich hoffe, ihr habt viel Spaß beim Nachmachen.
Gut, wenn man keine Zeit hat, was Aufwendiges zu backen, geht ganz schnell !!! 

Backzeit: 10 Min. Zubereitungszeit: 5 Min.

Zutaten für eine Form 20x25 cm

Zutaten:  230g Nutella
               3   Eier
               100g Mehl

nach Belieben:  50g Schokodrops
                     50g Haselnüsse

Die ersten drei Zutaten miteinander verrühren. Wer möchte, kann den Teig mit Schokodrops und/ oder Haselnüssen verfeinern.

Den Teig in eine Form füllen und bei 180 Grad ca. 10 - 15 Min. backen.


Astrid Lindgren vs Star Wars

Am Samstag und Sonntag (16. + 17. Oktober) hast du wieder die Möglichkeit, die weltgrößte Buchausstellung in Frankfurt, die Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016 zu durchstöbern. Tausende Buchverlage, Autoren und Künstler, Stars aus TV, Radio und Web sind vorort und warten darauf, dich als Zuschauer, Zuhörer & Leser begeistern zu können.

Folgende Highlights sind doch der Knaller: Schau mal:

ein Star Wars-Poetry Slam
Star Wars

die Bekanntgabe der Nominierten des Astrid Lindgren-Preises
Astrid Lindgren

und: ein live-Gespräch mit den Gewinnern der besten Kinder- und Jugendbücher 2015
Gewinner 2015

Weitere Infos & Preise findest du auf der offiziellen Website

Viel Spaß dort!

die Redaktion

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015

Englisch Austausch

I am Millie and I come from England. I live in the south of England, in a town called Lymington, in a place called The New Forest. I go to Bournemouth school for girls, which is by the sea and I can see the sea from my bedroom window.
I am in Königstein on an English/German Exchange and in February my partner will come to England for a week, like how I have spent a week here.
My week here has been very busy, but also very fun! I arrived on Friday and met my Exchange Partner.
On saturday we went to Frakfurt by train, and it was very busy with lots of police everywhere. It was also very crowded. I had fun exploring and going up to the top of a skyscraper and looking at the view of the city. I tried my first ever German wurste, it was a new taste for me!
On Sunday we visited Heidelberg and climbed 320 steps in order to get to the castle. When we got there there were more wonderful views, and after taking lots oif photos we descended back down ground level to explore the town. I discovered lots of chocolate shops and cafes so we decided to stop for some Sachertorte, it was delicious. After a tiring day we decided to go back home.
On Monday I joined my class for a quick tour around the school, (it is very big) and then we walked into the centre of Königstein and we set a series of questions to complete. to complete the questions we had to walk around the town, meaning we had to ask a lot of people for directions and information, we got to practise our German and eat lovely cakes from the cake shops and going into the BrotHaus for tea and to come back together as a class. we ascended the hill to get to the castle and to learn about the history of Königstein and its castle. when we had finished we joined our partners in school which meant going home for me, as it was a half day for my partner.
We visited Schloss Freudenberg to find out more about our senses on Tuesday. we did different activities, including going on a barefoot walk and visiting the sound hall. It was an interesting trip, even though we had to take two trains and two buses to get there.when it started to rain we thought it would be a good idea to think about packing up our things to leave.
Today is Wednesday and I have spent a day at school with my partner. it is very differnet to school in England for a few reasons, we have lots of the childrens work up on the walls and also we only have 5 lessons in a day, which last one hour. In England school starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:30, which is also quite a big difference from school here.
Tomorrow I look forward to visiting Frankfurt again and going on a shopping trip with my friends.

Best Wishes,

Schneller Schokokuchen

Hallo mein Name ist Caro, 
ich interessiere mich fürs Kochen und Backen.
Ich möchte euch meine Lieblingsrezepte zeigen,
viel Spaß beim Nachmachen.


- 3 Tafel Schokolade
- 50g Mehl
- 125g Butter
- 4 Eier
- 150g Zucker
- 1/2 Päckchen Backpulver


- Butter in Topf zerlasssen
- Schoko hinzufügen in den Topf
- Eier in Schüssel zerschlagen, Zucker, Mehl und Backpulver sehr gut aufschlagen
- Butter und Schoko unterrühren 

   20-25 min.
  bei 200 Grad backen
